Introducing to the Huffman Tree
构造一棵包含 n 个子节点的 k 叉树,其中第 i 个叶子节点带有权值\(w_j\),要求最小化\(\sum w_i*l_i\),其中\(l_i\)表示第 i 个叶子节点到根节点的距离。
The Solution to This Problem
我们可以直接使用 Huffman 树生成中的计数功能,也就是说,我们在解题时不会真正的去建树,我们只是会记录累积的文章长度和最长的单词。我们可以直接在代码中体现:
// P2168.cpp // tag:Huffman #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #define ll long long using namespace std; const int maxn = 100200; ll n, k, weights[maxn]; struct node { ll val, mergeTimes; bool operator<(const node &nd) const { return val > nd.val || (val == nd.val) && (mergeTimes > nd.mergeTimes); } }; priority_queue<node> seq; int main() { scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &k); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%lld", &weights[i]), seq.push(node{weights[i], 0}); ll numOfZero = (k - 1) - (n - 1) % (k - 1); numOfZero %= (k - 1); for (int i = 0; i < numOfZero; i++) seq.push(node{0, 0}); ll ans = 0, maxans = 0, L = 1; for (L = 1; seq.size() != 1; L++) { int siz = seq.size(); ll curt = 0, max_val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) curt +=, max_val = max(max_val, + 1), seq.pop(); ans += curt, seq.push(node{curt, max_val}), maxans = max(maxans, max_val); } printf("%lld\n%lld", ans, maxans); return 0; }